Background. It has been proven that the using of pesticides can lead to the human health problems. Possible way of exposure: inhalation, transdermal or oral. The danger of using pesticides is manifested by acute or chronic effects. There is a possibility of skin damage by pesticides upon direct contact.
Aim: hygienic assessment of the occurrence of acute toxic effects, including skin diseases, among agricultural workers before applying insecticides for agricultural crops protection.
Materials and methods. Prediction of the occurrence of acute toxic effects was carried out by the coefficient of possible of inhalation poisoning (CPIP) and the coefficient of selective action of the pesticide in case of inhalation and dermal exposure (CSAing., CSAd.). Statistical analysis of the obtained results was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics Base v.22 license package and the MS Excel program (2000).
Results. The occurrence of acute inhalation poisoning, as well as health problem caused by percutaneous exposure of pesticides, has low possibilities. The investigated groups of insecticides belong to low-hazard pesticides according to SSanRN CSAing. indicators of analyzed pesticide formulations are higher then CSAd. values, except for RembekDuo (CSAd > CSAing, p>0.125). The obtained results showed that almost all analyzed insecticide formulations are more dangerous with dermal exposure.
Conclusion. It was established that the occurrence of acute inhalation poisonings, as well as health problem caused by percutaneous exposure to pesticides has low possibilities according results of our own research and comparative analysis. The investigated groups of insecticides belong to low-hazard pesticides according to DSanPiN The danger when using the analyzed insecticides is significantly higher with dermal exposure..
Bogomolets National Medical University
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