Backround. Stress is one of the most urgent problems of modern society, which determines the increase in the consumption of sedative drugs.
Aim: to analyze the role of pharmaceutical care in ensuring the rational use of sedatives.
Materials and methods. 124 pharmacists and 101 pharmacy visitors were surveyed. The work used methods: standardization, sociological survey, graphics, and statistics.
Results. It was found that almost 80% of respondents reported sleep disorders and anxiety, while only 27% sought help from a specialist. More than 90% of pharmacists confirmed that since the beginning of the military invasion, the number of requests from visitors to dispense sedative drugs, mostly without a doctor's prescription, has increased significantly. Thus, almost 40% of respondents used self-prescription and self-medication of sedatives.
It was found that pharmacists (90%) recommend more often, and visitors (56%) choose herbal sedatives. In addition, 70% of pharmacists noted requests from visitors to dispense the drug hidazepam without a doctor's prescription. When dispensing sedatives, more than half of the surveyed pharmacists do not use the "Symptomatic treatment of stress" protocol. Visitors to pharmacies, who mostly did not receive recommendations on the rules for the use of sedatives, noted the appearance of undesirable reactions after their use, such as drowsiness and weakness during the day (48.8%), sleep disorders (22.0%), dizziness (34.1 %), development of addiction (22.0%).
Conclusion. Providing high-quality pharmaceutical care is a prerequisite for effective and safe sedative therapy. At the same time, it is important to conduct thematic improvement for pharmacists in psychopharmacology.
Bogomolets National Medical University
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