Background. Every year in the developed countries of the world, more and more attention is paid to the analysis of patient satisfaction with medical institutions, the list of offered medical services and the quality of their provision.
However, an equally important aspect of improving the system of medical institutions should be considered to be the study of the level of satisfaction of medical students with taking practical classes on the basis of health care institutions. Such a judgment is based on the fact that students of medical educational institutions are future employees of the system of health care institutions and it is they who will have to work on improving this system in the future.
Aim: to find out the degree of quality of educational services provided by students of the III-VI courses of the National Medical University named after O. O. Bogomolets by determining the level of satisfaction of education seekers regarding the acquisition of knowledge and the development of practical skills at the clinical bases of the departments and at the University Clinic of NMU.
Materials and methods. The study was based on a survey of students of the III-VI courses regarding the completion of practical classes at the clinical bases of the departments and at the University Clinic of the National Medical University named after O. O. Bogomolets. The purpose of the survey was to establish the level of satisfaction of education seekers with the acquired knowledge and developed practical skills. The methods of the conducted research, in addition to questionnaires, were comparison, specification, and systematic analysis.
Results. 444 respondents took part in the survey - students of the III-VI courses in the specialties "Medicine", "Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Dentistry" of the first-third medical and dental faculties. At the first stage, attention was focused on comparing the number of people in groups when working with medical equipment during practical classes at the clinical bases of the departments and the University Clinic. As a result of the comparison, no statistically significant difference was found in the number of people in the groups when working with medical equipment during practical classes at the clinical bases of the departments and at the University Clinic (p=0.941 according to the T-Wilcoxon test). The second and third stages mainly concerned the analysis of evaluation of the University Clinic. At the second stage, attempts were made to reveal the relationship between the number of people in groups while working with medical equipment during practical classes at the University Clinic and their grades. The third stage of research revealed the difference in the results of the answers of students of the III-IV and V-VI courses.
Conclusion. Almost all respondents provided answers to 13 questions of the questionnaire, only a small percentage of respondents did not provide answers to the last 2 questions. The numerical indicators of the answers showed a big difference between positive and negative feedback about the general impressions of the internship at the University Clinic (Questions I-III of the questionnaire). As a result of the comparison between the work with medical equipment at the clinical bases of the departments and at the University Clinic, no statistically significant difference in the number of people in the groups was found (p=0.941 according to the T-Wilcoxon test). Students and 6th year students were recognized as the most active in the positive evaluation of the level of satisfaction with the internship. In general, almost all comments and suggestions of respondents of all courses and specialties pointed to the need to increase practical classes and practical hours of working with medical equipment.
Bogomolets National Medical University
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