
Omelchuk S.T.ORCID,Vavrinevych O.P.ORCID,Antonenko А.М.ORCID,Borysenko А.А.ORCID,Bardov V.G.ORCID,Koziarin I.P.ORCID


Relevance. Evaluation of occupational risk in the application of various groups and classes of pesticides is an actual problem, since it is known that chemical plant protection products can cause both acute poisoning and long-term effects of the action, including neurotoxic effects if the application rules are not followed. Objective of the work was a hygienic assessment of the working conditions and occupational risk of workers when using pesticides Ampligo 150 ZC, Banjo Forte, SC, Blockbuster, CE, Zero, CE, Cloti-200, SC, Mistral Top, SC, Mistral, WG, Paritet, SC, Remontal, WG, Stomp Aqua, SC, T-2, SC, Fronda, SC on potatoes to substantiate the regulations for their safe application. Materials and methods. The occupational risk assessment was carried out in accordance with the methodological recommendations proposed by the specialists of the L.I. Medvedia Scientific Center for Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety. Statistical processing of the results was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics Base v.22 and MS Excel software licensed statistical package (version 12.0.6425.1000, 2007). Results. It has been established that in real conditions of potatoes treatment with Ampligo 150 ZC, Banjo Forte, SC, Blockbuster, CE, Zero, CE, Cloti-200, SC, Mistral Top, SC, Mistral, WG, Paritet, SC, Remontal, WG, Stomp Aqua, SC, T-2, SC, Fronda, SC, while observing the recommended agrotechnical and hygienic regulations for safe application, there is no excess of hygienic standards in the working area air and it is proved that the Hygienic regulations of studied formulations safe application have been substantiated. Conclusion. A statistical analysis of the results showed that the magnitude of inhalation risk was significantly higher for tractor drivers than for refuellers (p<0.05). The value of the combined complex risk of the studied formulations application for refuellers was significantly lower than that for the tractor drivers.


Bogomolets National Medical University


General Medicine

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