1. Brooking E. Intellectual capital. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2019. 245 p.
2. Kokurin D.I. Innovation activity. – M.: 2017. 214 p.
3. Milner B.Z. Knowledge management. – M.: INFRA-M, 2017. 178 s.
4. Melyukhin I.S. Information society: origins, problems, trends. – M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2019. 247 p.
5. Human capital: content and types, evaluation and stimulation: monograph / Smirnov V.T., Soshnikov I.V., Romanchin V.I., Skoblyakova I.V.; edited by Doctor of Economics, Professor V.T. Smirnov. – M.: Mechanical Engineering-1, Orel: Orel State Technical University, 2018. 513 p.