1. Ataeva B.M. Forecast of the development of the Russian economy in conditions of increasing sanctions pressure. In the collection: Science Week-2022. Materials of the 43rd final scientific and technical conference of teachers, staff, graduate students and students of DSTU, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the university. Makhachkala: FORMAT Printing House, 2022. Pp. 390–392.
2. Atdakova G.A. Globalization of the world economy. In the collection: Youth in science and entrepreneurship. Materials of scientific articles of the XI International Forum of Young Scientists. Editorial board: S.N. Lebedeva [et al.], under the scientific editorship of N.V. Kuznetsov. – Gomel: Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation, 2022. Pp. 10–12.
3. Gromyko A.A., Ayvazyan A.S. Stage of a special military operation in Ukraine. Anatomy of anti-Russian policy in Europe: monograph. Moscow: Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2022. 194 p.
4. In Ermak.A. The essence of global problems of the modern world economy / V.A. Ermak, A.I. Grudnitskaya, N.G. Shchukina. In the collection: Current issues of the world economy. Materials for the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference of students. – Donetsk: Donetsk National Technical University, 2022. Pp. 37–42.
5. Ignatova O.V., Orlova N.L. World economy and international economic relations: textbook for universities. – Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2022. 358 p.