Prospects for innovative development of donor regions and subsidized subjects of the Russian Federation


Bykova M. L.1


1. Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs


In the works of domestic and foreign authors it is noted that in modern conditions innovations determine the vector of development of territories. Also, the most important condition for the development of regions is the sufficiency of the necessary resources to ensure positive dynamics of economic growth. To date, most regional budgets are characterized by the need for subsidized contributions, since their incomes do not cover the amount of necessary expenses. Within the framework of the study, using econometric models, the features of the formation of the gross regional product under the influence of financing the innovative development of subsidized and non–subsidized entities were analyzed. The results of the study showed that in the donor subjects there is a stronger relationship between the costs of innovation and the value of the gross regional product. The results of the study have high theoretical and practical significance and can be used in regional planning.


Publishing Agency Science and Education


General Medicine

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