1. Kremleva O.K. New legislation on the securities market. In the collection: Law and modern economics: new challenges and prospects. Collection of materials from the II scientific and practical conference with international participation of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State Economic University. Scientifically edited by N.A. Krainova. 2019. Pp. 24–27.
2. Karzaeva N.N. Information about risks in financial (accounting) statements. In the collection: Transformation of the system of accounting, analytical, financial and control support in the context of digitalization of the economy. Materials of the national (all-Russian) scientific, practical and methodological conference. Voronezh, 2022. Pp. 48–52.
3. Popadyuk I.F., Tabakova M.V. Development of public non-financial reporting: problems and prospects. In the collection: Science and education in the context of digital transformation of the economy and societies. Collection of the best reports by the teaching staff of the X National Scientific and Practical Conference of the Institute of Master’s Degree with international participation. St. Petersburg, 2021. Pp. 162–166.
4. Naumova E.A. Formation, disclosure and presentation of information on equity capital in the context of increasing the transparency of organizations. Entrepreneur’s Guide. 2021. T. 14. No. 4. P. 61–72.
5. Gracheva N.A., Polishchuk O.A. Analysis of the equity capital of manufacturing enterprises. Proceedings of the Southwestern State University. Series: Economy. Sociology. Management. 2018. V. 8. No. 4 (29). pp. 179–187.