1. 1. WHO (2015): The End TB Strategy. World Heal. Organ. WHO, Geneva 16 pp https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/331326 (accessed February 18, 2021)
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3. 3. Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia (2011): Health Profile of Indonesia. https://www.kemkes.go.id/index.php?lg=LN02 (accessed January 20, 2020) (In Indonesia)
4. 4. UNDP in Asia and the Pacific (2018): Defeating Drug-Resistant TB in Indonesia: A Human Face. https://medium.com/undp-in-asia-and-the-pacific/defeating-drug-resistant-tb-in-indonesia-a-human-face-9d0ac70ee143 (accessed November 20, 2019)
5. 5. Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia (2018): Indonesia National TB Program Current status of integrated community based TB service delivery and the Global Fund work plan to find missing TB cases. https://www.who.int/tb/features_archive/indonesia_11apr18.pdf?ua=1 (accessed February 19, 2021)