The water quality parameters of Çubuk Stream were examined in terms of physical and chemical aspects and the pollution level of Çubuk Stream was determined by comparing these parameters with the Surface Water Quality Regulation (SWQR). For this purpose; samples were taken from three different stations between August 2012 and April 2013, the water samples were compared with each other and with previous studies, the water quality of Çubuk Stream was determined according to the surface water quality regulation. In our study, the biological oxygen requirement of Çubuk Stream according to SWQR (BOD5: 22.5mg/l) IV. class, ammonium nitrogen element (NH4–N:2.34 mg/l) IV. class, nitrite nitrogen element (NO2–N: 0.035 mg/l) II. class, nitrate nitrogen element (NO3 –N:0.95 mg/l) Class I, according to phosphate value (PO4:0.075 mg/l) Class I and trace elements (Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Mn) values Class I. water quality. According to the ratio of NH4-N/PO4 (2.34/0.075=31.2 mg/l), the element that limits eutrophication in Çubuk Stream is P. Compared to previous studies, after the wastewater treatment plants established in the region, higher quality water is provided, especially in terms of NO3 and PO4. It has been determined that the nitrogen and phosphorus ratios are high because the region, which is dense in terms of organic matter, is close to industrial establishments.
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