Disasters and epidemics have an impact on how societies live. The educational system also exhibits these negative traits. With the emergence of Covid-19, the distance education system, which has been discussed for years to be integrated into the educational system, has become inevitable. Face-to-face instruction resumed when the pandemic's effects were lessened, but the earthquake with its epicenter in Kahramanmaraş, which occurred on February 6, 2023, and was dubbed the disaster of the century, had an impact on every aspect of our nation's education system. Due to the earthquake, students who were enrolled in universities during the spring semester of 2022–2023 began their first stage of distance education. Despite the decision to use a hybrid education system, many students continued their education via distance learning. Similar to the theoretical courses, many students have received applied knowledge from the departments offering design education through the distance education system. Based on the opportunities provided by technology, distance education has entered our educational system to play a redeeming role against such undesirable negatives. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of face-to-face, online, and hybrid educational systems using students who enroll in applied design courses. Survey and analysis techniques were used as methods in the research. The survey applied in line with the determined method covers a total of 920 students receiving design education in the interior architecture discipline. As a result of the analysis, it was found that it is more efficient to conduct applied courses with a face-to-face education system.
Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication
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