TV series, one of the visual arts, can include cultural phenomena of society, representations of power and everyday events. One of the basic points of visual arts is the law of conflict. In order for there to be conflict, each character in the series must have a goal, purpose and ideology. Marx's "false consciousness" discourse and the concept of "ideology", Althusser's grouping of "ideological apparatuses", Gramsci's "consent" and "hegemony" discourses have been a part of ideology criticism. Therefore, ideology and conflict cannot be separated from each other in TV series. The characters in Snowpiercer are directed towards different goals in line with their status differences. For this reason, the aim of the study is to reveal how the conflict and class differences between people in positions of power and individuals in lower class positions develop. The population of the study consists of all the TV series that were screened all over the world after 2010, in which there are indicators related to the concepts of ideology, conflict and power. The reason for choosing Snowpiercer as the study sample is that it is a study in which the concept of ideology, conflict theory, class conflict and elite theory are processed together. This study is important in that ideology, conflict and elite theory take place in the same series and in a single space and emphasize the difference between classes. This study concludes that keeping people with status and class differences in the same space for a certain period of time will lead to interpersonal conflict.
Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication
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