Effect of an Inquiry-Based Blended Learning Module on Electronics Technology Students' Academic Achievement
Container-title:Journal of Technical Education and Training
Mohammad Hussain Mohd Azlan, ,Ahmat Zainuri Nuryazmin,Mohd Zulkifli Rafeizah,Abdul Rahman Anesman, , ,
Technological advances have led to a change in teaching strategies applied inTechnical and Vocational settings.Aneffective teaching strategyisneededto addressissues encountered in the traditional learning processof Electronics TechnologyStudentsatMalaysian Vocational College.Blendedlearning is one of the best teaching strategies for Electronic Technologycoursesas itis in line with the 21st-centurylearning,especially in promoting student-centredand life-long learning. This study looksat the impact of an Inquiry-BasedBlended Learning (IBBL) moduleon the students’ achievement inthe Industrial ElectronicsEquipment Problem Solving (IEEPS)Course,inan Electronic Technology Program. This study uses an experimental study designthroughthe quasi-experimentalmethod to evaluate the effectiveness of the module. The comparison of achievement between anexperimental group and a control group was conducted based on the pre-test and post-testprotocol.The findings of the evaluation phase through the t-test showed that there was a significant difference (p<.05) between the experimental group and the control group. This indicated that using anInquiry-Based Blended LearningModule was effective to help the studentto improve their achievement in Industrial Electronics Equipment Problem Solving Course. Therefore, theinquiry-basedblended learning module has thepotential to be applied by instructors and students in the Vocational Collegesetting.