The growing number of freight transported using railway transport is massive. Indonesia targeted 995,500,000 tons of freight transported using the railway mode. Double-stack train is one solution to increase thefreight tonnage of the train without adding the number of operations of the train. The 3D ANSYS model ismade to see the structural behavior of railway tracks under the double-stack train load using 1067 mm and 1435 mm gauge from Indonesia’s railway track regulation. It was also modeled with several speeds to observe its influence on the structure. It is known that in all output parameters of deformation, stress, and strain, the 1435 mm gauge actsbetter for the structure than the 1067 mm gauge. The subgrade service life also became longer in the 1435 mm gauge structure. Lower speed also gives a better impactonthe structure of the track and possible to give longer service life for subgrade.Further research isneeded to observe the railway track structural behavior in cyclic loading and the possibilityofreinforcing the subgrade. The lab-scale test also needed to validate the analysis.