
Abidin Zainul,Mar'iyah Chusnul


Background of the study: Urban politics in city spatial tends to be related to uniting the capacity of power between actors. In the development of its dynamics, the DKI Jakarta urban regime has a different political decision, that is, some reject or terminate and also support or continue the reclamation. However, in this study, non-governmental actors namely reclamation developers dominate the actions of the urban regime's power in reclamation development. The political and economic dominance of developers is likely to determine the policies and regulations for reclamation development. Methodology: This article uses a qualitative research approach by analyzing problems holistically. Because this article examines one case, the writer has used a single instrumental. This article focuses on just one issue, namely the problem of the dynamics of the urban regime in urban spatial planning on the development policy of the Jakarta pantura reclamation area. Therefore, this article outlines the patterns, context, and settings of the political dynamics of the urban regime. Main Findings: The conclusion is that the dominance of developers tends not to make the reclamation policy effective. In this study improve the theory of the urban regime of Clarence Stone. That after the unification of power capacities between actors, urban regimes tend to face the dynamics of new regimes, namely the dominance of political and economic capacity by one of the actors in the actions of the urban regime's power. Novelty/Originality of this study: This article explains the dynamics of the urban regime in urban spatial planning in the Jakarta pantura reclamation area development policy. The focus of his writings is on the urban regime. Therefore, in this article, we dig deep information from the dynamics of the urban regime on the Jakarta pantura reclamation policy.


GIAP Journals

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