Hidden trauma: Men’s non-disclosure of female perpetrated partner violence in selected communities of Limpopo Province


Kgatle Mankwana Othilia,Mafa Prudence


Purpose of the study: The current study was aimed at exploring men’s non-disclosure of intimate partner violence at Sekhukhune District in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Methodology: Qualitative research methodology and exploratory research design were applied to successfully explore heterosexual men’s non-disclosure of intimate partner violence. A non-probability sampling of blended convenience sampling and snowball sampling was employed. Data was collected using a semi-structured interview guide with open-ended questions and was analysed through thematic analysis of qualitative data. Main findings: This study found that male victims of partner violence hide their situations. Determinants of non-disclosure were found to include men’s personal feelings of fear to disclose, masculinity factors, societal expectations, and cultural norms, which negatively affect men’s decisions to disclose. Avoidance of possible harm and judgement from others appeared to influence non-disclosure. Novelty/originality of the study: The findings of the study raise concern for lack of knowledge on violence against men. Social services professionals can use the findings to advocate for male victims’ rights and use the same resources aimed at helping female victims to provide protection and psychosocial assistance to male victims. The public needs to be made aware that women are not the only victims of IPV and as such be educated about the vulnerability of male victims.


Maya Global Education Society


General Social Sciences,General Arts and Humanities

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