1. Moscow automobile and road construction state technical university
2. Industrial university of Tyumen
The features of the Myanmar road network are briefly reviewed, the country’s bridge park, which includes about 500 bridges, is analyzed in more detail, examples of various types of bridge structures used in Myanmar (arched, hanging, frame, truss, adjustable, cable-stayed) are given. Particular attention is paid to cable-stayed bridges, data on their condition according to the results of surveys conducted jointly with Japanese specialists is given, characteristic defects and damage to the bridges are given, and the reasons for their appearance are indicated. It is noted that the average durability of Myanmar bridges is 30–35 years. In conclusion, the history of the construction of cable-stayed bridges in the USSR and Russia is briefly reviewed, the most famous cable-stayed bridges of Russia of various years of construction and their parameters are listed/ The disadvantages of cable-stayed bridges from the point of view of their resistance to wind loads are analyzed and it is shown that cable-stayed bridges with large spans have insufficient bearing capacity. The reasons for local and global cable-stayed bridge failures (physical, design, technological) are considered. It is concluded that in the case of large spans, suspension bridges have significant advantages over cable-stayed.
Publishing Company World of Science LLC
Reference31 articles.
1. Troitsky M.S. (1998). Cable-stayed bridges: Theory and design. Oxford etc.: BSP professional books, p. 469.
2. Wai-Fah Chen, Lian Duan (1999). Bridge engineering handbook.
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4. Bychkovskiy N.N., Bychkovskiy S.N., Pimenov S.I. (2007). Vantovye mosty. [Cable-stayed bridges.] Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, p. 648.
5. Ramteke R.R. (2002). Analysis and design of Cable Stayed Bridge. (M. Tech thesis). Nagpur: V.N.I.T.
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