The possibility of increasing the intensity of use of transport infrastructure, which are monuments of history and architecture, in the field of regional tourism


Loktev Daniil1,Lokteva Olga2,Fedorova Snezhana2,Loktev Alexey2


1. Moscow state technical university N.E. Bauman

2. Russian university of transport (MIIT)


In the present paper the problems of development of regional tourism and cultural and educational activities with the help of program-target approach are considered. For the development of cultural and educational, event, environmental, business, cruise types of tourism it is proposed to use the objects and buildings of transport infrastructure, built more than a hundred years ago and are historical and architectural monuments of regional or local level, such objects include railway stations and station buildings, which, on the one hand, are subject to conservation, and on the other often need repair and restoration work. An important aspect in planning the further stages of the life cycle of this complex of objects is to clarify the possibility of their use in the changed conditions for the modern needs of citizens. One of the regions of the Central Federal district – the Voronezh region-is used as the object of research. Taking into account the growth of the flow of independent travelers in Russia, as well as the increase in people living in district centers and spending their leisure time outside the home, the paper proposes a model for the development of regional tourism, combining cultural and educational tourism with cruise tourism using rail transport. To calculate the areas that can be involved in additional activities in the development of cultural and educational leisure and regional tourism, take into account the requirements of standards that specify the parameters of passenger traffic and the area of premises to provide the basic functionality of the object. The proposed model does not require additional capital investments, and the profitability of the buildings will increase significantly, will attract the attention of guests and residents of the region to the history of the region and the railway.


Publishing Company World of Science LLC

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