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2. Loktev A.A., Lokteva O.S., Polyakova A.G. (2014). Pamyatniki istorii i arkhitektury goroda Bobrov. Sovremennoe sostoyanie (Alʹbom fotografiy i kratkoe opisanie obʺektov kulʹturnogo i istoricheskogo naslediya goroda Bobrov Voronezhskoy oblasti). [Monuments of history and architecture of the city of Bobrov. The current state (Album of photos and a brief description of the cultural and historical heritage of the city of Bobrov, Voronezh region).] Moscow: Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, р. 88.
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4. Loktev A.A., Alfimtsev A.N., Loktev D.A. (2012). Object Recognition Algorithm. Vestnik Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, 5, рр. 194-201 (in Russian).
5. Loktev A.A., Alfimtsev A.N., Loktev D.A. (2012). Algorithm of placement of video cameras and its software implementation. Vestnik Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, 5, рр. 167-175 (in Russian).