1. Plekhanov Russian university of economics
The article presents the results of a study conducted by the author on the impact of trust between business and the state on the innovative development of the economy. A brief description of the phenomenon under consideration in the Russian Federation is given, and the main problems in the relationships of these entities are shown using specific examples. The crisis of confidence entails significant risks for the business, which in turn leads to a reduction in business activity and the outflow of capital. Overcoming this crisis is not possible with short-term targeted measures, since it is necessary to apply a long-term programmatic approach that combines various measures and mechanisms, as well as the interaction of the parties. The author, including, based on international experience, shows the mechanisms by which it is possible to structure relations between the government and the business community. According to the author, various measures, both general and specific, contribute to the improvement of the investment climate. The author sees the judicial system independent of the state as the main guarantee. Also, the article discusses issues of legislative guarantees of investments, providing for full compensation for damage when changing state policy in relation to specific types of activities; the introduction of public-private partnership models to address socially significant projects that are not of commercial interest to firms in the absence of state support; creation and functioning of entrepreneurial innovation infrastructure for the development of innovative firms through the combined efforts of state authorities and local self-government; improvement of civil society institutions and public discussion of the activities of state institutions and entrepreneurs.
Publishing Company World of Science LLC
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