Environmental problems and sustainable development of aluminium industry


Matevosova Karine1,Gryaznova Varvara1,Chazov Timofei1


1. Moscow state institute of international relations (university) of the ministry of foreign affairs Russian Federation


The article represents an analysis of the negative effects of the aluminium industry on the components of the environment – the atmosphere, natural landscapes and soils, hydrosphere. This analysis is carried out in accordance with the stages of processing of various materials and substances used in the aluminium industry: bauxite and nepheline mining, alumina refining, production of anodes and anode paste, aluminium smelting and, finally, foundry. The authors summarize the main ways to reduce the negative impact of these processes on the environment. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the largest international organizations that create conditions and tools that meet the requirements of the concept of sustainable development in the aluminium industry: the International Aluminium Institute – IAI and the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative – ASI. The second organization develops standards and corresponding certification systems for the aluminium value chain with the aim of achieving responsible production and use of aluminium. A significant part of the article is devoted to the standards, the application of which is just beginning in Russia. At the moment, there are two ASI Standards, compliance with which implies a commitment to the concept of sustainable development: the ASI Perfomance Standard and the ASI Chain of Custody Standard. The ASI Perfomance Standard defines environmental, social and governance principles and criteria, with the aim to address sustainability issues in the aluminium value chain. The ASI Chain of Custody Standard complements the ASI Perfomance Standard. This standard sets out requirements for the creation of materials whose production is certified according to these standards.


Publishing Company World of Science LLC

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