On the operational state of the wave-quenching structure of the pier-mole made of hollow concrete massifs


Kolesnikov Yury1


1. Moscow state university of civil engineering


Currently, the search for constructive solutions of berthing and enclosure structures of vertical type, providing a reduction in the reflection coefficient of waves, wave loads on the structures and their bases. To create normal conditions in the part of the wave regime in the Far Eastern port during the reconstruction of the pier-mole, it was proposed to use perforated concrete massifs with a quenching chamber. The use of such structure of a wall in the form of pillar masonry of hollow massifs (without ligation the seams) in the absence of an internal cavity filler as a protective structure has no analogues in our country. The results of operational author’s supervision during the construction of the pier-mole showed that on the commissioned section of the structure there are a significant number of defects – rolls, offsets, turns of individual blocks, etc. This situation has led to the need to establish the actual state of the structure and its elements to identify the causes of defects and damage. For this purpose, design, executive documentation, technical supervision materials, etc. were studied and two cycles (initial and main – control) of engineering surveys of the surface and underwater parts of the operated wall section with a length of about 250 m were implemented. Their results served as the basis for the analysis of the technical condition of the structure and the development of measures to improve its operational qualities. The analysis also used data from experimental model studies of the vertical wall structure under consideration.


Publishing Company World of Science LLC

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