1. Don state technical university
The article is devoted to the statistical processing of traffic intensity and composition of traffic flow obtained from the points of automated traffic intensity accounting for 2010-2018 in order to determine the distribution of the number of applications of the calculated load by months. The main source of information for statistical processing was the results of traffic accounting on highways M-1 «Belarus», a-107 MMK Mozhaisk-Volokolamsk highway, M-3 «Ukraine», M-4 «don», M-4 «don». The correct determination of the traffic intensity and composition of the traffic flow is an important task that allows you to make adequate decisions at the design stage of roads, namely to choose a road structure that can operate under load from the actual traffic flow for the entire service life. The authors calculated the total number of applications of the calculated load to the point on the surface of the coating, using the coefficients of reduction of vehicles to the calculated load of 115 kN. After calculating the total number of applications, the resulting value was divided by the number of days in the month in question. According to the data obtained, the total total number of applications of the calculated load at all points of accounting, by month, was found. The minimum values of the number of load applications are observed in winter (January, February, March), when the situation on the road deteriorates due to weather conditions. The values range from 4.75 % to 8 % for roads M-1 «Belarus», M-3 «Ukraine», M-4 «Don», M-4 «Don». The maximum values of the number of load applications observed in the warmer months (July, August, September, October), due to the fact that there are favorable weather conditions for recreation and the most active agricultural industry. The values range from 7.6 % to 11.3 % for the roads M-1 «Belarus», M-3 «Ukraine», M-4 «Don», M-4 «Don».
Publishing Company World of Science LLC
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