1. Benovska, L. (2022), “Local positions as a tool for the development of territorial communities”, Svit finansiv, no. 1(70), pp. 49-60.
2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2010), The Law of Ukraine “Budget Code of Ukraine” dated 08.07.2010 no. 2456-VI, available at: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2456-17#Text (access date May 18, 2023).
3. “Report on the management of the local debt of the city budget of Lviv for 2020”, available at: https://city-adm.lviv.ua/public-information/budget/lviv/biudzhet-lvova-na-2020-rik/17510/download?cf_id=36 (access date May 10, 2023).
4. “Report on the management of the local debt of the city budget of Lviv for 2021”, available at: https://city-adm.lviv.ua/public-information/budget/lviv/biudzhet-lvivskoi-miskoi-terytorialnoi-hromady-na-2022-rik/21786/download?cf_id=36 (access date May 10, 2023).
5. “Report on the management of the local debt of the city budget of Lviv for 2022”, available at: https://city-adm.lviv.ua/public-information/budget/lviv/biudzhet-lvivskoi-miskoi-terytorialnoi-hromady-na-2022-rik/24409/download?cf_id=36 (access date May 10, 2023).