1. Burlaka, V.A., Shevchuk, V.F. and Beliaiev, S.M. (2004), “Growing snails of the genus Helix pomatia in the Polesie of Ukraine”, Ekoloho-funktsionalni ta faunistychni aspekty doslidzhen moliuskiv, yikh rol u bioindykapii stanu navkolyshnoho seredovyshcha: zbirnyk naukovykh prats, “Volyn”, Zhytomyr Ukraine, no. 3, pp. 15-17.
2. “The export of Ukrainian snails is increasing every year”, available at: http://agrocareer.com (access date February 08, 2020).
3. “Official site of the Association "Ukrainian Agrarian Business Club" (UCAB)”, available at: http://ucab.ua (access date February 08, 2020).
4. “Official Website of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection”, available at: http://consumer.gov.ua (access date February 02, 2020).
5. “Official website of the European Commission”, available at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu (access date February 10, 2020).