Subandi Muhammad,Chaidir Liberty,Nurjanah Ulfah
ABSTRACTEffectiveness of BPMC insecticide and suren leaf extract on brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) and its natural enemy population on Ciherang rice varietyEffectiveness study of BPMC insecticide and suren leaf extract esticide against brown planthopper and its side-effect on its natural enemy population on paddy Ciherang variety was conducted in rice field of Balai Besar Peramalan Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan (BBPOPT), Karawang, West Java from May to August 2015. The experimental design used was Randomized Blok Design with 7 treatments and 4 replications ie suren leaf extract of 50 g/l, 100 g/l and 150 g/l, three concentrations of BPMC of 0.5 ml/l, 1.0 ml/l and 1.5 ml/l, and a control treatment. The results showed that BPMC insecticide and suren leaf extract were able to suppress the population of brown planthopper and influenced its natural enemy population. The treatment of 50 g/l suren leaf extract gave the highest suppression of the brown planthopper population. It was also caused no negative impact to the natural enemies of P. fuscipes and L. pseudoannulata. The application of 1.5 ml/l of BPMC insecticide gave the highest grain weight average of 37.80 kg/plot compared to the lowest production in control treatment of 32.63 kg/plot. Therefore, application of BPMC insecticide and suren leaf extract effectively suppressed the brown planthopper population and the natural enemy existence was assumed to affect the rice grain production in this study.Keywords: BPMC insecticide, Natural enemy, Suren, PlanthopperABSTRAKStudi keefektifan insektisida BPMC dan ekstrak daun suren terhadap hama wereng batang coklat (WBC) dan efek samping terhadap musuh alami wereng pada padi varietas Ciherang dilaksanakan di sawah Balai Besar Peramalan Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan (BBPOPT) Karawang mulai Mei 2015 sampai Agustus 2015. Rancangan yang digunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 7 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan yaitu perlakuan tanpa insektisida (kontrol), 50 g/l ekstrak daun suren, 100 g/l ekstrak daun suren, 150 g/l ekstrak daun suren, 0,5 ml/l insektisida BPMC, 1,0 ml/l insektisida BPMC, dan 1,5 ml/l insektisida BPMC. Hasil menunjukkan perlakuan insektisida BPMC dan ekstrak daun suren dapat menekan populasi hama WBC dan memengaruhi populasi musuh alaminya (Paederus fuscipes dan Lycosa pseudoannulata). Perlakuan ekstrak daun suren konsentrasi 50 g/l dapat menekan populasi WBC tertinggi. Aplikasi ekstrak daun suren tidak berdampak negatif terhadap musuh alami P. fuscipes dan L. pseudoannulata. Perlakuan 1,5 ml/l insektisida BPMC menghasilkan produksi gabah tertinggi dari semua perlakuan dengan rata-rata bobot basah gabah 37,80 kg/petak dibandingkan dengan hasil terendah pada perlakuan kontrol sebesar 32,63 kg/petak. Dengan demikian, aplikasi insektisida BPMC dan ekstrak daun suren berpengaruh terhadap populasi hama WBC dan efek samping dari tingkat keberadaan musuh alami berakibat pada hasil gabah tanaman padi.Kata Kunci: Insektisida BPMC, Musuh alami, Suren, Wereng