Scientific school of accounting, analysis and audit: history and modernity




The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of history and current state of the scientific school of accounting, analysis and auditing of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, which in Ukraine plays a leading role in education and training of specialists who can solve complex problems and tasks posed by the domestic economy. The activity of the scientific school is conducted in different directions, namely: fulfillment of budget and non-budget themes; research, done to the order of enterprises and public administration bodies; preparation of doctoral dissertations by graduate and doctoral students of the departments of the faculty (formerly candidate and doctoral); publication of scientific articles and monographs on the problems of accounting, analysis, control, audit and taxation; organization and conduction of interdepartmental, university, interuniversity, all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences, seminars and round tables; scientific cooperation with other departments of the university, with domestic and foreign institutions of higher education, etc. The activities of the departments of the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management, both those currently operating and the reorganized ones, as well as the Institute of Accounting are covered in detail. Personal contribution of leading scientists of the university to formation and development of modern educational practice and science, formation of national legal framework has been revealed. The directions of improvement of educational and scientific-methodical maintenance of accounting, analysis and audit are determined - both within the educational institution and in the national and international aspects.


State Educational-Scientific Establishment The Academy of Financial Management

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