Pradipta Rizqi Fajar,Ryadi ,Imanudin Husein Fuat,Chusna Ilham Afrizal
Reference25 articles.
1. N. U. Chasanah and R. F. Pradipta, “Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Sempoa Geometri pada Kemampuan Berhitung Tunagrahita,” Jurnal Ortopedagogia, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 12–17, 2019.
2. P. A. Khoiriyah and R. F. Pradipta, “Media Counting Board untuk Kemampuan Berhtung Anak Tunagrahita Ringan,” Jurnal Ortopedagogia, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 109–113, 2017.
3. R. F. Pradipta and D. A. Dewantoro, “Development of Adaptive Sports Models in Improving Motor Ability and Embedding Cultural Values in Children with Special Needs,” in The 4th International Conference on Education and Management (COEMA 2019), 2019, pp. 182–189.
4. R. F. Pradipta and S. J. Andajani, “Motion Development Program for Parents of Child with Cerebral Palsy,” Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 160–164, 2017.
5. I. Firdaus and R. F. Pradipta, “Implementasi Treatment and Education of Autistic and Realted Communicationhandicapped Children (TEACCH) pada Kemampuan Bina Diri Anak Down Syndrome,” Jurnal ORTOPEDAGOGIA, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 57–61, 2020.