Putra Habibi Mardika,Absah Yeni,Pujangkoro Sugih Arto
AbstractHuman resource management views every employee in an organization as the most valuable asset. Every employee who works in an institution or company should improve skills and maintain organizational commitments to improve superior competitiveness. Measurements of employee performance need to be done in order to know the performance achievement results. This research phenomenon sees that employee performance can be improved by applying competence, education, continuous training, and organization. This research aims to test the performance factors of employees who are influenced by competence, education, training, and organizational commitment. Using purposive sampling techniques, the study was conducted on 65 people consisting of 45 teachers and 20 staff. The study results show that competence increase employee performance in “Pondok Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Modern Al-Hasyimiyah Tebing Tinggi”. Organizational commitment encourage employee performance in “Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Hasyimiyah Tebing Tinggi”. Training & Development has positive impact on employee performance in “Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Hasyimiyah Tebing Tinggi”. Competence, organizational commitment, training, and development increase employee performance in “Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Hasyimiyah Tebing Tinggi”.
Atlantis Press International BV
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