1. K T Miura, N Sakiyama, T Kaneko. “Streamline modeling - designing free-form surfaces by blending tangent vectors,” Sixth IFIP WG5.2 Workshops on Geometric Modeling, pp. 168~179, 1998.
2. K T Miura. “Unit quaternion integral curve: a new type of fair free-form curves,” Computer-Aided Geometric Design, vol.17, no. 1, pp.39~58, 2000.
3. K T Miura, L Wang, F Cheng. “Streamline modeling with subdivision surfaces on the Gaussian sphere,” Computer-Aided Design, vol.33, no.13, pp. 975~987, 2001.
4. Y Suzuki, K T Miura. “Streamline modeling based on potential flow,” Ninth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 16~18, 2001.
5. K T Miura, F Cheng. “Fine tuning -curve and surface deformation by scaling derivations,” Ninth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Application, pp.150~159, 2001.