Whisking Musculature


Haidarliu Sebastian


Atlantis Press

Reference63 articles.

1. Ahissar, E and Knutsen, P M (2008). Object localization with whiskers. Biological Cybernetics 98: 449–458.

2. Anjum F; Turni, H; Mulder, P G H; van der Burg, J and Brecht, M (2006). Tactile guidance of pray capture in Etruscan shrews. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103: 16544–16549.

3. Berg, R W and Kleinfeld, D (2003). Rhythmic whisking by rat: Retraction as well as protraction of the vibrissae is under active muscular control. Journal of Neurophysiology 89: 104–117.

4. Brecht, M; Grinevich, V; Jin, T E; Margrie, T and Osten, P (2006). Cellular mechanisms of motor control in the vibrissal system. Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 453: 269–281.

5. Deutsch, D; Pietr, M; Knutsen, P M; Ahissar, E and Schneidman, E (2012). Fast feedback in active sensing: Touch-induced changes to whisker-object interaction. PLoS ONE 7: e44272.








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