Integrating PSE Work into FCS Extension Programming: Lessons Learned from a Multi-State Training


Washburn Lisa T.1,Norman-Burgdolf Heather2,Franck Karen L.1,Kennedy Lauren E.3,Sneed Christopher1


1. University of Tennessee

2. University of Kentucky

3. Michigan State University


Public health efforts have emphasized changes to policies, systems and environments (PSEs) to improve health behaviors for individuals and communities. Extension has increasingly emphasized these approaches, particularly for work of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) agents. In part, this emphasis on PSEs in Extension has been driven by SNAP-Ed and other federally funded initiatives, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) High Obesity Programs (HOP). However, broader adoption and implementation of PSEs at the local level has lagged in some states for various reasons. These include limited understanding about PSE interventions and how this work fits with a traditional Extension emphasis on direct education. To address these issues, faculty and specialists from two states receiving funding in the CDC’s first HOP round planned, designed, and implemented a face-to-face, multi-state, multi-institution PSE training for FCS agents. This paper describes the multi-state training effort, barriers to PSE work in Extension, and offers best practices and implications for others seeking to provide similar training.


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