Outcomes of a Multi-Component Family Enrichment Project: 12-Month Follow-up


Tompkins Sara Anne1,Rosa Juliana D.1,Henry Kimberly L.1,Benavente Janet1


1. Colorado State University


Previous research has established that family enrichment programs work with a variety of populations (e.g., Hawkins, Stanley, Blanchard, & Albright, 2012). It is unclear if a multi-component program focusing on a variety of family outcomes can lead to lasting change. This study used growth modeling to examine effects of relationship (i.e., Within My Reach), parenting (i.e., Making Parenting a Pleasure), and financial enrichment (i.e., Spend Some, Save Some, Share Some) classes over 12 months. Results revealed improvement in family functioning at one year post for all three programs. Program specific improvements included relationship functioning and parenting alliance. Program participants reported overall satisfaction and gaining of valuable skills. Findings suggest these family enrichment programs can have long-lasting effects; potential reasons for sample success and implications are discussed.


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