Use of mix asphalts with reduced compaction temperature and addition of zeolites in real conditions


Franus WojciechORCID,Woszuk AgnieszkaORCID


The aim of this study is to evaluate the possibility of decreasing the mix asphalt compaction temperature through zeolites use, based on pavement analysis of the trial section (of road). The article contains results of laboratory tests and analysis of samples from trial section (of road)for AC 16 W 35/50 with addition of a natural zeolite – clinoptilolite. The amount of dosed zeolite material was 1% with regard to the mineral mix mass and 0,4% – with additional clinoptilolite infusion withm water. Basing on laboratory tests, it was proved that it is possible to decrease the compaction temperature of warm mix asphalt (WMA) with zeolite addition by 30ºC (from 145ºC to 115ºC). Compaction temperature decrease of 20– 40ºC was obtained during incorporation of the mix in the trial section (of road). The MMA analysis of this section (of road)included: soluble binder content, compactibility, resistance to permanent deformation and stiffness modulus using a IT-CY method.


Politechnika Lubelska


Earth-Surface Processes

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