Modern capabilities of lifetime morphological diagnosis of mycobacterial defeat


Zyuzya Yu. R.


The results of a comprehensive morphological study of autopsy, surgical and biopsy material from patients with mycobacterial infections (tuberculosis – 69 people; mycobacteriosis caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria – 21 people; complications of BCG vaccination – 7 people), including those with immunosuppressive conditions (55 people), were analyzed. To determine the microscopic differential diagnostic signs of mycobacterial and some other infectious granulomatous processes, the results of a study of material from patients with mycoses – 10 people, helminthiasis – 5 people, actinomycosis – 3 people, pneumocystosis – 3 people. The main morphological diagnostic signs of these diseases presented, attention paid to the microscopic features of various granulomatous processes, and a diagnostic algorithm formulated. Identification of the causative agent of the disease in the histological material makes it possible to correctly verify the disease.



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