Molecular tests for hybridization analysis in the diagnosis of drug susceptibility of <i>M. Tuberculosis</i> to fluoroquinolones and injectable drugs


Isakova A. I.1,Mikhailova Yu. D.1,Sviridenko M. A.1,Khakhalina A. A.1,Galkina K. Yu.1,Nosova E. Yu.1,Safonova S. G.1


1. The Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Tuberculosis Control of the Moscow Government Department of Health


The paper presents data on testing the drug susceptibility of clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis (MTB) to fluoroquinolones and injectable drugs using molecular genetic tests and phenotypic methods. We demonstrated the diagnostic capabilities of the hybridization technologies «TB-TEST and GenoType MTBDRsl v.2 to detect the genetic determinants of resistance in MTB isolates with multidrug and extensively drug resistance (MDR, XDR), as well as in MBT with pre-XDR.



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