Studying of The Dynamic Behaviour and Control of Continuous Distillation Column


Ahmad Duraid F.,Khalaf Mohammad H.


The present work deals with studying the dynamic behaviour of continuous distillation traycolumn and implementing different type of control strategies for the separation of binarymixture composed of ethanol and water. Mathematical model of distillation column is derivedand designed by using Matlab program depending on the mathematical model derived to findtemperature response for many disturbances. The comparison between the experimental andtheoretical responses for temperature in top and bottom of distillation column for step change infeed flow rate, reflux ratio and feed weight fraction showed that the difference is simple. Thisstudy includes designing fuzzy logic controller which depending on some of logic rulesdepending on fuzzy sets and through trading from experimental works where designing thiscontroller by using Matlab program and applying it on dynamics model for two control schemeand tuning it by trial and error method. The Comparison between fuzzy logic and (PID) controlmethods is done for many disturbances and measure the controller performance by using meansquare error and integral square error that the result performance showed that the fuzzycontroller better than the conventional controller through fast access to the desired value andcancelling the disturbances.


Tikrit University

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