Effect of fish weights and clove powder levels on anesthesia and recovery time in common carp Cyprinus carpio L.


Hassan Bakhan Rafiq,Abdulrahman Nasreen Muhialddin,Ahmad Vian Muhammed,Mohammed Shagul Jalal


This study aimed to demonstrate how different fish weights and clove powder concentration levels together influence anesthesia and recovery time in Cyprinus carpio. Two different body weights classes of common carp (45±5g and 95±5g) were subjected to three concentrations of clove powder (200, 300 and 400mg/L) each replicated four times. At each treatment combination, the anesthetic induction and recovery times were recorded, fish held for a period of one week to two months following the experiments to assess short-term and long-term mortality. Significant differences (P<0.05) appeared in the effect of combination between the different levels of clove powder (mg/L) with the two different weight common carp (C. carpio L.) on anesthesia time, but there was no difference in recovery time between the two size groups. The induction time was less than one minute for doses of 300 and 400 mg/L in lower fish weight 45±5g while in 200mg/L dose with 95±5g of fish weight it needed more than 9 minutes. At all tested concentrations, induction time was significantly weight-dependent (p< 0.05), but the recovery time was not. Significant alterations were recorded in the hematological variables of the fish (RBC, HB, MCH and WBC), no mortality was observed. This study has demonstrated that clove powder can be safely and effectively use in the anesthesia of common carp and anesthesia time affect by doses of clove powder with fish weight.


Tikrit University


General Medicine

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