Alkhazarji Khalid Ibrahim Abd,Naser Rabab abd Alameer,Zghair Fatimah Swadi
In order to illustrate the histological changes in kidney and liver associated with water drinking of ethylene glycol (EG) in domestic pigeons (Columba liviadomestica), 24 adult birds, weighing 350- 400 grams, aged 9-12 months were used, for the period from 5/2/2021- 16/3/2021 at Diyala University - College of Veterinary Medicine. They divided into two equal groups. One group control and other group gives EG with water at concentration 8.5ml/L for three weeks. Histological results illustrated normal structures of kidney and liver in the domestic pigeons of control group. It was observed histological alteration in both organs in the group which received EG such as degeneration of tubular epithelium, cellular infiltration, congestion in kidney, while detect increase inflammatory cell, degeneration, and precipitated materials in the lumen of central vein in liver. It concluded that the EG causes toxic injury to the renal and hepatic tissue in domestic pigeons.
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