The Relationship among EFL Teachers' Efficacy, their Instructional Practices and Preparatory School Students' Performance in Receptive Skills


Majeed Nahida Taha,Mustafa AL-Okiedy Omar Mahmood


The study aims to investigate the relationship among EFL teachers' efficacy, their instructional practices and preparatory school students' performance in receptive skills, through: assessing the average level of EFL TsE. assessing the average level of EFL teachers' IPs. finding out whether there is any relationship between EFL TsE and their IPs. assessing the average level of EFL students' performance in receptive skills (listening comprehension and reading comprehension). finding out whether there is any relationship between EFL TsE and their students' performance in receptive skills. finding out whether there is any relationship between EFL teachers' IPs and their students' performance in receptive skills.The population of the present study represents the total number of EFL teachers who teach the fifth-grade students at the preparatory schools for boys and girls and their students in the city of Kirkuk for the academic year 2021-2022. They are enrolled in thirty-eight preparatory schools, i.e. twenty schools for boys and eighteen schools for girls. These thirty-eight schools including fifty teachers for the fifth grade and 7406 students. The sample of this study includes twenty EFL teachers who are distributed among ten schools who represents 40% of its original population. The sample of the EFL fifth year students is 1630 (893 boys and 737 girls) who represents 22.01% of its original population. The study instruments contain: Teachers' Efficacy Questionnaire (TEQ); Teachers' Instructional Practices Questionnaire (TIPQ); Listening Comprehension Test (LCT) and Reading Comprehension Test (RCT),which have been validated , their reliability as well difficulty level and discrimination power are obtained . The study questionnaires have been administrated to the selected sample of the teachers. The tests of the receptive skills have been administrated to the selected sample of the students. The collected data have been analyzed statistically and the obtained results are as follows:1.There is a positive relationship between EFL preparatory school TsE and their IPs.2. There is a positive relationship between EFL preparatory school TsE and their students' performance in the receptive skills.3. There is a positive relationship between EFL preparatory school teachers' IPs and their students' performance in the receptive skills.4. EFL students' performance increased in lessons including multiple instructions such as, provide opportunities for students to use prior knowledge when solving problems, encourage students to relate facts to real life. In the light of these results, some conclusions and recommendations are presented.


Tikrit University

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