1. Mauropus, John, The Letters of John Mauropous Metropolitan of Euchaita,trans,A.Karpozilos,,CFGB39,Thessalonike1990
2. Psellus,Michael,Fourteen Byzantine Rulers, The Chronographia,Trans,by:R.R.Sweter,New York Penguine,1966.
3. Psellos, Michael:the Encomium of His Mother trans:Jeffrey Walker, ,Whetoric& Writing,University of Texas 2005.
4. Psellus, Michael, The Letters of Psellos, Edited by Michael Jeffreys& Marcd Lauxtermann, Oxfurd University press 2017.
5. Zonaras,EpitomeHistoriaoum,III,ed.T.Butter-Wobest,CSHB,Bonn,1897.