1. - Abu Al-Hamam, Azzam, The Nabataeans: History and Civilization, Osama Publishing House, (Jordan, 2009).
2. - Abbas, Ihsan, History of the Nabataean State, Dar Al-Shorouk, (Jordan, 1987).
3. - Abbas, Ihsan, History of the Levant from Pre-Islamic Until the Beginning of the Umayyad Era, University of Jordan Press, (Amman, 1990).
4. - Ajlouni, Ahmad, The Nabataean Civilization Through Their Inscriptions, House of the Nabataeans, (Amman, 2003).
5. - Al-Ansari, Abdul Rahman Al-Tayeb, Petra, Caravan Cities, Department of Antiquities, (Amman, 1990).