The Impact of Debating Strategy on Preparatory School Pupils' Performance in Writing Skill


Ibraheem Al Juborry Hala Ali,Badie Muthana Mohammed


This research tries to investigate the impact of debating strategy on the classroom pupils and how it allows pupils to exchange information between them through group work, ask questions, use role playing, group problem-solving activities, and have more interaction with each other. The problem of this study by applying a strategy in order to increase the pupils' competence in writing skill. Many of pupils do not place enough emphasis on developing their writing skills, which results in numerous errors being made in the writing projects they are given to do. The pupils do not have sufficient time to work on their writing skills. Therefore, the current study aims at finding the impact of debating strategy on Iraqi preparatory pupils in writing skill. For carrying out the aim of this study, and validating its hypothesis which is there is no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group which is taught by debate strategy and the mean scores of the control group which is taught by the conventional method in the post-test, a sample of (60) pupils have been randomly chosen from the fourth class in AI-Salam secondary School for Boys at Salah Al-Den during the academic year 2023-2024. The two groups are equally divided into; group (A) represents the experimental group that consists of (30) pupils who have been taught the debating strategy and group (B) the control group who also includes (30) pupils who have been taught the prescribed method. The researcher herself has taught both groups. According to the results, debating strategy guides pupils in the experimental group to better achievement at the posttests. Finally, appropriate conclusions are presented.


Tikrit University

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