Problems and challenges facing agriculture in Iraq


Al-Sabbagh Heba Adel Z.,Mahmoud Sabah F.


The study dealt with a very important vital, strategic and economic topic, which is the study of the problems and challenges facing the agricultural sector in Iraq, which is one of the most important economic sectors in most countries' economies, not only Iraq. The challenges and economic crises facing this sector, and the importance of the research comes from studying the problems and obstacles facing the agricultural sector and trying to raise the contribution of this sector in the economic field. Its priorities negatively affect the achievement of sustainable development in Iraq. The study gave important results that are consistent with the economic and agricultural reality in Iraq through the following:1. The problem of (water resources) has occupied the top of the list of problems facing this sector. A number of external and internal factors have combined to exacerbate this problem.2. The negative impact of economic openness on the development of the agricultural sector.3. The small amount of investment allocations for the agricultural sector, as these allocations did not exceed (1.7%) of the general budget.4. The problem of desertification, salinity, mismanagement, low level of technology, environmental pollution, low level of productivity, and damage to agricultural pests, the problem of dumping, the low percentage of government support, and the insufficiency of local and local animal production are among the most prominent problems and obstacles that appeared in this study in the agricultural sector in Iraq.


Tikrit University

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