1. ДНУ «Центр інноваційних медичних технологій НАН України», Ukraine
Introduction. The preoperative period is one of the most stressful stages of treatment. Anxiety is the first phase of stress, a universal reaction of the body to an extreme situation. During the anticipation phase of the threat, the human body mobilizes and tries to resist it by activating various compensatory reactions.
Objective. To evaluate the influence of a preoperative interview by an anesthesiologist with a video presentation and without it on the level of anxiety during the preoperative preparation stage in patients with excessive weight and obesity.
Materials and methods. The level of anxiety was assessed at the preoperative preparation stages in patients with surgical profiles, excessive weight, and obesity. The study included 145 patients, divided into two groups: Group 1–71 patients and Group 2–74 patients. A visual analog scale of anxiety (VAS-A) was used to assess the level of anxiety. The patient's level of anxiety was evaluated before the start of the interview with the anesthesiologist, after the preoperative examination, and before the beginning of the surgical intervention. The visual analog scale of anxiety at different stages of the study was provided on other questionnaire sheets to exclude visual comparison of the patient's previous result.
Results. In Group 1, the classic interview significantly reduced patient anxiety (Z=2.62; p=0.008). The level of anxiety before the start of the surgical intervention significantly increased compared to the level of anxiety after the interview (Z=3.28; p=0.001) and compared to the level of anxiety before the start of the interview (Z=2.62; p=0.1), the indicator was higher, without statistically significant difference. In Group 2, the classic interview by the anesthesiologist supplemented with a video presentation significantly reduced anxiety (Z=2.4; p=0.01). The level of anxiety significantly increased before the start of the surgical intervention (Z=2.48; p=0.01), but compared to the anxiety before the beginning of the interview (Z=1.38; p=0.16), this indicator was lower, although without a statistically significant difference. Before the surgical intervention, most patients noted the usefulness of the video presentation, indicating a greater confidence in safety and trust in the surgical team
Conclusion. A comprehensive and informative preoperative interview with an anesthesiologist reduces the patient's anxiety level before the operation.
Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine
Psychiatry and Mental health
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