1. National medical university named after O.O. Bogomolets, Ukraine
2. O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
In 83.3 % of cases, patients who received mine blast wounds suffer from chronic pain. Such injuries are characterized by significant damage. Data on the treatment of pain during rehabilitation are presented by several clinical cases. Therefore, a broader coverage of this issue will be of some importance for the perspective of further research in this direction.
The goal of the work. To investigate the results of pain treatment in patients after mine blast wounds at the rehabilitation stage.
Methods. The treatment of 280 patients with mine blast wounds during rehabilitation was analyzed. The intensity of pain was diagnosed using a visual analog scale. Statistical methods: Shapiro-Wilk, Mann-Whitney, Friedman, chi-square, Bonferroni corrections, absolute frequency of the symptom and relative frequency (%). When analyzing the data in all cases, the critical significance level was 0.05.
Results. Patients after mine blast wounds, both at the time of discharge from inpatient treatment and during rehabilitation, still experienced pain intensity of 2 points, which in the future transformed into chronic pain. After 1, 3 and 6 months after treatment, it was found that the intensity of pain in groups 1 and 2 did not differ statistically (р=0.488, р=0.876, р=0.165, respectively), but after 12 months – statistically differed (р=0.035) and in group 2 were higher than in group 1.
Conclusions. Based on the obtained data, it can be concluded that during discharge from inpatient treatment, rehabilitation and within 12 months after treatment, the patients felt pain, albeit weak. The lack of further effective treatment can cause a whole cascade of negative consequences.
Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine
Psychiatry and Mental health