Objective: This study aims to determine the opinions of nurses working in a university hospital on the injection to intramuscular infection.
Method: This study, which was conducted in descriptive, was composed of 131 voluntary nurses. The forms of “Personal Information Form” and “The Determination of Nurses”, “Opinions on the Injection to Intramuscular Site”, which were prepared by the researcher based on the literature, were used as data collection tools. Percentage calculations, average measures (minimum, maximum) and chi square (χ2) cross tables statistics were used in the evaluation of the data.
Results: When the nurses' opinions on the intramuscular injection administration to the ventrogluteal sites were examined; 58.8% of the participants made it easier to determine the region, 67.1% of them thought the ventrogluteal site was safer than the dorsogluteal site, 49.6% of them felt confident while administering the injection to the ventrogluteal site, 34.3% were afraid to administer drugs to the ventrogluteal site and 33.6 % reported that they did not find the drug administration to the ventrogluteal site safe for children, 54.2% of the participants in the study thought the patient would experience more pain in the injection of the ventrogluteal site.
Conclusion: In the light of the findings obtained within this study, it is suggested that the in-service trainings provided by the institutions the nurses worked in should be repeated and the nurses’ awareness should be increased by explaining them the reasons for the injections on ventrogluteal site with proofs.
Karya Journal of Health Science
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