Minimizing health risks during secondary effluent application via subsurface drip irrigation


Oron Gideon12,Gillerman Lieonid1,Lael Avraham1,Manor Yossi3,Braude Erez4,Bick Amos5


1. Environment Water Resources, J. Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Kiryat Sde Boker 84990, Israel and The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, and The Environmental Engineering Program, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel E-mail:

2. The Grand Water Research Institute, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel

3. Central Virological Laboratory, Sheba Medical Centre, Tel-HaShomer 52621, Israel E-mail:

4. The Department of Economics and Business Administration & The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ariel 40700, Israel E-mail:

5. The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem 91160, Israel and The Department of Chemical Engineering, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Ramat-Gan 52526, Israel E-mail:


Health risks posed on consumers due to the use of agricultural products irrigated with reclaimed wastewater were assessed by numerical simulation. The analysis is based on defining of an Exposure Model (EM) which takes into account several parameters: (i) the quality of the applied wastewater, (ii) the irrigation method, (iii) the elapsed times between irrigation, harvest, and product consumption, and; (iv) the consumers' habits. The exposure model is used for numerical simulation of human consumers' risks by running the Monte Carlo simulation method. Although some deviations in the numerical simulation which are probably due to uncertainty (impreciseness in quality of input data) and variability due to diversity among populations reasonable results were accepted. Accordingly, there is a several orders of magnitude difference in the risk of infection between the different exposure scenarios with the same water quality. The variability indicates the need for setting risk-based criteria for wastewater reclamation, including the application method and environmental conditions, rather than single water quality guidelines. Extra data is required to decrease uncertainty in the risk assessment. Future research needs to include definite acceptable risk criteria, more accurate dose-response modeling, information regarding pathogen survival in treated wastewater, additional data related to the passage of pathogens into and in the plants during irrigation, and information referring to the consuming habits of the human community.


IWA Publishing


Water Science and Technology,Environmental Engineering







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