1. a Institute of Geography and Water Security, Kabanbai batyr/Pushkin st. 67/99, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2. b Laboratory of Reclamation Works and Water Resources Management, National Technical University of Athens, 15780 Athens, Greece
Hydrological droughts occur due to a variety of hydrometeorological phenomena, such as lack of precipitation, reduced snow cover and high evaporation. The values of these factors vary depending on the climate and the severity of drought events. Droughts caused by a lack of precipitation and continuing in the warm season have a longer periodicity. This important statement raises the question of whether climate change may exacerbate the phenomenon of drought. Therefore, understanding changes in the formation of hydrological droughts is key to foreseeing possible changes in the future. This scientific study analyzes the spread of hydrometeorological droughts in the Ile-Balkash basin using standardized precipitation indices and the drought index of river runoff. Lake Balkash plays an important role in the hydrological cycle and is a valuable freshwater resource, especially in dry years. Prolonged droughts in the area have serious consequences, including deterioration of water quality and loss of wetlands, which are important to the ecological system and migratory birds. The analysis shows that during the period of instrumental observations, several extreme hydrological droughts were observed in this area, (1943–1946, 1973–1975 and 1983–1987), which emphasizes the relevance and importance of scientific research on the problem of drought.