Defining sustainability in agricultural water management using a Delphi survey technique


Dahal Bishal1ORCID,Avellán Tamara1,Haghighi Ali Torabi1,Kløve Bjørn1


1. Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering Research Unit, University of Oulu, PO Box 4300, Oulu FIN90014, Finland


AbstractSustainable water management measures are being developed to address the challenges posed by agriculture runoff and leaching on water resources. These measures are based on experts' opinions from various sectors and disciplines, ensuring that all stakeholders' perspectives are considered. For this, establishing a common understanding of 'sustainability' is essential to avoid misunderstandings, conflicts, and operational challenges. In this research, the Delphi survey technique was utilized to develop a definition of ‘sustainability’ in agricultural water management (SAWM) by considering the interdisciplinary group of experts from different parts of the world and those involved in a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action. Twenty-six experts' perspectives on environmental, economic, and social dimensions of sustainability were assessed, and identified key concepts included climate change, water quality, water availability, stakeholder participation, capacity building, subsidies, and incentives. These concepts were used to define sustainability for multi/interdisciplinary project settings. The definition was validated with consortium members of the project in the regular consortium-wide meetings and used in the respective deliverables dealing with sustainability. The results serve as a foundation for communication between the involved actors and the project's definition of 'sustainability.' One recommendation from this work for broader policy formulation for SAWM in Europe is to prioritize farmer needs and focus on environmental sustainability.


Horizon 2020


IWA Publishing


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Water Science and Technology,Geography, Planning and Development







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