1. LABAQUA-INTERLAB C/Dracma, 16-18. Polígono Industrial Las Atalayas, 03114 Alicante, Spain
Stability of gaseous samples is a major concern when dealing with odours and airborne pollutants sampling. In terms of odours, the representativeness of the sample can be very seriously compromised, despite the rigorous application of the maximum storage time established by EN-13725. The present paper is focused on the use of the cryo-condensation technique (Cryocore) for time-weighted-average (TWA) sampling in waste water treatment plants (WWTPs), with the aim of comparing the values of TWA odour and H2S concentration when using the Cryocore system and other well established sampling methods, such as those described in EN-13725 and passive sampling. The study showed comparable results when comparing all the methodologies tested.
Water Science and Technology,Environmental Engineering